Activities in Montessori

My Personal Pedagogy

I believe that through education, the child will receive the necessary skills and knowledge that are essential to build a life. As a teacher I believe that it is my duty to ensure that learning takes place in a safe, open and supportive environment. My teaching style can be best described as one incorporates a diversity of teaching methodologies and techniques. I am strongly advocate on hand-on and minds-on learning, support holistic approach because I understand that enquiry-based curriculum with a variety of activities is essential to the learning process. Working with children I see the child as a person who wants to learn. I believe that each  child is at the centre of his own learning. I also follow the pedagogy developed by Maria Montessori. It gives children the freedom to explore and develop to their fullest potential while working with didactic materials, in group or independently, within a prepared environment. The concept of respect for self, others and environment guides the Montessori method. My role in the classroom based on the objective observations of every child and after that prepare the activities that help every child in his development. Teaching tools are designed in the way to help the development of the mind, concentration, coordination, independence, socialising and sense of order. I recognise this method by peacefulness of children and the individual approach. This approach as well as method is learning and preparing  for their future life. As a teacher I give every child opportunity for open-ended exploration and play. Tasks, activities and contexts, that have meaning for the child, including practices and activities not always connected with curriculum such as care routines, child management strategies. My teaching methods emphasise a nurturing, multisensory nature-based learning environment. The stimulation of the child’s imagination and creativity is high priority. Opportunity for artistic exploration abound through the class. I try to organise week rhythmically structured to include storytelling, drama, movement creative work and playing outdoor.

1. Montessori

The most widespread examples are the Montessori environments prepared for 3-6 year olds. At this formative age the child is consolidating the formation of the self as an individual being that began at birth. The environment is set up as a bridge between the home and the wider world. Montessori called this place a Casa dei Bambini or Children’s House.

  1. Practical life

    The term Practical Life is used by Dr. Montessori to describe those exercises which involve everyday activities with real child-sized material. These exercises form the basis of the child’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social development.
    These exercises are also called exercises …

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  2. Sensorial

    Maria Montessori believed that nothing comes into the mind except through the senses. During the years between three and six, as children develop their senses, their attention is directed toward the environment. The purpose of the Sensorial activities is …

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  3. Language

    “A language is the expression of agreement among a group of men, and can be understood only by those who have agreed that special sounds shall represent the same ideas and things, so language becomes a wall that separates …

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  4. Maths

    Mathematics is one of the most useful and fascinating divisions of human knowledge. It is used in many important areas of study, e.g. science, architecture, statistics etc. It is the study of quantities and relations through the use …

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  5. Science

    Science is the study of the physical and biological aspects of our world. The Science programme looks at living things and their environments. It also looks at non-living phenomena/ aspects of the Earth. It forms part of the Montessori culture …

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2. Mortensen’s maths

  1. Mortensen

    What is Mortensen Maths?.
    It is named for Jerry Mortensen, who designed the program after working for years in Montessori schools. The blocks are an adjunct to the method. This is a unique approach to teaching Mathematics that …

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3. Aistear

  1. Aistear – the Curriculum Framework


    Aistear is the curriculum framework for children from birth to six years in Ireland. It provides information for adults to help them plan for and provide enjoyable and challenging learning experiences, so that all children can …

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