Week 1 – September 2014 – Summer theme

Back to school

We are off to a great start in the classroom. We have two sessions with the majority being ECCE kids. We have spent the first few days on settling in and this week we are going over the routine of the classroom and the rules. The lunch routine is also going well. The children are already setting up the table, chairs and mats and also cleaning their area when finished. They check the floor and use little dustpans and brooms as needed. Soon we will start to wipe the tables with a sponge. Some of the children are so involved in the cleaning up of their space, that they are even sponging down their chairs!
We start off our circle time with a good morning song, calendar, a days of the week song, and then we have a lesson. We follow this same sequence each morning and this gives the children a sense of security and routine. They know what to expect and look forward to the lessons. The children are enjoying this very much.

Here are some Montessori classroom pictures from this week.

Matching the shells

Transferring water with the sponge

Polishing glasses

Counting the shells

Colour and shapes puzzles

First cutting exercises

Tidying up the room

Craft: Poster with helping hands

Shape puzzles

Spooning the pasta.

Big – medium -small

Dry pouring


Play-dough activities – Water melon seeds


Exploring the shels

— Tanya

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